Starting from Scratch in Real Estate: What I Would Do Differently…

Ponder this:

If you were starting from scratch in Real Estate, knowing what you know now, how would you begin?

Well, when I started, it was a lot like it is now… but interest rates were a lot higher. They were in the 9’s for a 30-year mortgage, and I don’t think we’ll ever get there. 

In fact, I think we’ll see a reversal in these interest rates sometime next year, maybe sooner, but we’ll have to wait and see. I think the Fed is going to fold, slow way down and maybe stop with the tightening and move

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[Swipe & Deploy] Online Ad Templates To Find Sellers Before Their Properties Go To The Bank

Online ad templates are a vital tool in the digital marketing toolkit of any business, especially for virtual real estate investors.

Creating effective online ads is essential for promoting your products and services and reaching your target audience.

If you have a good online ad template, it can help institutions increase visibility, attract new customers, and improve conversion rates.

I’ve shared some awesome swipe and deploy goodies with you, all for direct mail campaigns:

Those pieces have all been

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Significant Increase In Housing Inventory Has Created A BIG Opportunity For Real Estate Investors

Tune in as Cam Dunlap, CEO of the Real Estate Wealth Network, takes a deep dive into a HUGE, time-sensitive opportunity for real estate investors.

The number of active listings in today’s market is drastically increasing and, in this video, we’ll take a look at the US cities with a significant increase in housing inventory year over year, why it’s happening and what it means to us as real estate investors.

Tune in below to learn how to take advantage of this huge opportunity for real estate investors.

P.S. You

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Why The “Due on Sale Clause” Might Be a Bigger Deal Now

Cam Dunlap here today to talk about the due on sale clause in real estate.

Recently, a great question from one of my Inner Circle clients came my way.

Barbara asked:

“If you do an assignment with seller financing on some kind of wrap-around, is the seller’s institutional lender willing to work with you and accept your payments or will they call the loan due?”

Good question!

The Due on Sale Clause: What is it?

So, in the case of a wrap-around where the underlying loan remains, you may or may not actually get the

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