7 Touches to Success: The Art of Seller Communication

Hello again, Cam here.

Get ready, because we’re going to dive into one of the most persistent — and often frustrating — aspects of real estate investing: reaching out to sellers who don’t seem to want to be reached. (Boo, hiss.)

So, if you’ve ever found yourself sending email after email, leaving voicemail after voicemail, or firing off text messages to the point your phone overheats — only to hear… well, nothing — this one’s for you.

See, I recently received a plea from a newer investor:

“Cam, I’ve left messages and sent emails to dozens of potential sellers…

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Essential REI Cold Calling Tips: How to Leave Voicemails That Get Callbacks

Cam Dunlap here with another helpful read on REI cold calling tips.

During a recent coaching call, I received this question:

“My virtual assistant and I have been doing some cold calling. If the call ends up going to voicemail, should we leave a message and phone number about why we’re calling, or should we call back again later?”

My short answer: Absolutely leave a message!

The longer explanation…

If you don’t leave a message, most people are going to immediately categorize you as a spam caller because many folks don’t answer calls that aren’t in their contacts. One of

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Using the “Rule of 7” to Score More Deals

Cam Dunlap here with a post that’s packed with actionable info, so let’s get right to it.

If you’re having trouble with your marketing… if you’re not getting the results you expect… if you’re struggling to get the number of leads you want — then you need to learn about the Rule of 7.

Let me back up a second, though. If you’re familiar with my process, then you know about my “Investor Success Formula.” 

More leads = more offers = more deals = more $ in your pocket.

So if you’re struggling in your REI business, the solution is

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Foreclosure Redemption Period: OK to Work with Sellers?

Hey there, Cam Dunlap here. So, I was recently asked this interesting question on my coaching hotline:

“Could you go through how working with the seller during their redemption period for both mortgage, lien, or tax foreclosure would work and what we need to be aware of?”

Sure thing!

First, know that every state is a little bit different. Some states don’t have redemption periods, at least with regard to foreclosures. And, there may be a redemption period for a tax sale in an area where there is no redemption period on a foreclosure. 

Before we dive into that question

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