26 Must Know Tips That’ll Help You Get Started In Real Estate – Part 2

Today, I am going to reveal the remaining critical tips for learning how to get started in real estate and become the successful investor you desire to be.

In my last informative post, we covered everything from recognizing opportunity, to accepting failures, to understanding the real reason why you’re in the real estate investment business.

Today, we’re going to discuss the final 13 tips and best practices.

As I mentioned previously, knowing and understanding all of these keys will help you achieve REI success and then continue to grow your business. They are that important, friends.

So let’s get

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26 Must Know Tips for Getting Started in Real Estate Investing

There are reasons we succeed – and reasons we fail. But knowing and applying the factors that make us successful is half the battle.

So today, we’re identifying the first half of many critical, must-know tips to getting started in real estate investing – 26 tips to be exact.

Knowing and understanding these tips for success will get you on a clear path in the right direction. So success is not only attainable but you’ll get there quicker and, hopefully, with less frustration.

Success Tips for Getting Started in Real Estate Investing
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How the Dodd-Frank Act Affects Investing and My Business

Who, or what is, Dodd-Frank?

Well, you probably know all too well what the Dodd-Frank Act is and how it impacts your business. But for those of you whose bells aren’t ringing, or perhaps you need some clarification… here’s a refresher.

What is the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act?

The Dodd-Frank Act is a massive piece of financial reform legislation passed by the Obama Administration in 2010, and is the result of the 2008 financial crisis (a.k.a. The Crash).

The Act is named after U.S. Senator Christopher J. Dodd and U.S. Representative Barney Frank, and its purpose

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How To Find Private Money For Your Real Estate Deals

Watch This Training Now And Learn How To Find Private Money For Your Deals Fast!

On this 100% content training you’ll …

  • Learn how to find and approach active private lenders for your deals, no matter your experience level!
  • Start using the built-in tools to make your job as an investor easier and more profitable (automated mail manager, heat maps, self-mailer tool, and more!) 
  • And more!

Plus, at the end we did a LIVE Q&A session where we answered ALL of the most burning questions from attendees.

>> Click

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