The Vacant House Motivational “Trigger” You Never Knew About

I want to share something with you about a vacant house motivational trigger that I was recently reminded of… something that’s now so ingrained in my investing process that I sometimes forget to call it out. 

So, I was having a conversation with some mentorship students during our coaching session. Of course, we were talking about vacant house deals. I suddenly realized that something that comes second nature to me after all my years doing this… doesn’t necessarily mean its second nature for other investors.

What is it?

A Very Powerful Vacant House Motivational Trigger

It’s something that most

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What To Do If A Motivated Seller Backs Out

I’ve received many questions from students I’m mentoring about what to do if a motivated seller backs out of a deal.

Today, I’m sharing an interesting and difficult situation that happened to one of those clients. We’ll call him Oliver. He asked:

“I had a contract with a few sellers where the seller received higher offers after we agreed on a price. Do I file a notice of intent with the courthouse to prevent the sale of the house to the other buyer or just find another deal?”

See, very interesting question… 

Here’s The Deal…

So, if you

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Your Power with Private Lenders—OWN IT

When I was answering a question about private lenders recently from a newer investor that I’m mentoring, I was reminded of something…

Of how easy it can be for those early in the game to misunderstand the value of what they bring to the table in the investor-private lender relationship. 

Many investors overlook or mistakenly downplay that value in their own mind and end up being way too generous or give up the farm when borrowing money from private lenders.

But, the moment you realize the big value proposition that you’re inviting private lenders to participate in, is the moment

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Estimating Repairs on an Investment Property, Quickly & Accurately Using “The Condition Multiplier Method”

Estimating repairs is a subject that sometimes paralyzes many investors – and it shouldn’t!

While it certainly is an important part of the deal-making process, estimating repairs to determine the best possible offer on your deals will be a snap once you get the hang of it.

To help you, today, we’re going to break down and follow the methodology that Cam Dunlap presents at his training events because let me tell you… it works!  

One of the keys to this simple but powerful methodology is what we call the “Condition Multiplier Method” when estimating repairs which categorizes the houses

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