Swipe & Deploy: Cam’s Proven Seller Letter

One of the best direct mail pieces to reach a seller is by a seller letter.

And, today, I’ve got a special swipe and deploy for you that…hint hint…may have something to do with just this very topic. 

Like I mentioned in my last blog post about my proven postcard, there are 3 levels of opportunity in the bank foreclosure arena.

These 3 levels of opportunity are:

  • The pre-foreclosure stage, which happens before a Sheriff/Trustee sale.
  • The pre-list foreclosure happens in the weeks/months between the foreclosure sale and the live MLS listing.
  • The post-list foreclosure / REO

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Cam’s Proven Seller Postcard For A 100% Open Rate

Did you know that a seller postcard is proven to get a 100% open rate?

I’ll explain how in a minute, but first I’d like to talk about the 3 levels of opportunity in the bank foreclosure arena, specifically pre-bank foreclosures, which is also known as pre-foreclosures, where the bank foreclosure is looming

What does that mean?

Well, it means that an owner is significantly behind on their mortgage payments — they’re a defaulted borrower but still own the property. The bank does not have possession of the property. This pre-foreclosure stage happens before a sale.

There’s also a pre-list

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How To Successfully Call Motivated Sellers – Overcoming Your Fear And Getting The Deal

call motivated sellers

It happens to most of us when we finally muster up the courage to call motivated sellers…

Your knees get weak.

Your palms get sweaty.

And don’t even get me started about the ball in the back of your throat and your voice cracking!

The majority of real estate investors share one common trait: fear of calling motivated sellers. 

I’ll bet you a kangaroo you’ve had one.. two.. or all of these thoughts running through your mind:

  • What if they ask me a question to which I don’t know the answer?
  • How do I convince them to sell me their

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Data Integrity: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in the Real Estate Investing Industry

Data reliance is ultra-prevalent in today’s Real Estate Investing (REI) industry. We, as investors, use databases to find sellers, buyers and lenders alike and some have, unfortunately, come to rely on the MLS and on sites like Zillow to find it. Data is critical to our marketing efforts and to find new deals.

But, not all data is created equal!

Plenty of companies will sell you data, but not all data is accurate, precise, and complete. And “BAD” data can cost you…big time. 

Let’s explore the reasons data integrity is one of the primary keys to

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