5 Vitally Important Factors That Exist In Every Good Investment Property

How do you know if an investment property is a truly GOOD deal?

I get this question often and the answer is…there are several simple, yet effective, ways to figure out if an investment property you’ve found makes sense as a deal for you.

Let me be very clear, it’s not about whether I LIKE the property. That has absolutely nothing to do with it!

Pro Tip: Take emotion out of the equation when evaluating an investment property.

You see…to me, these houses are simply inventory. In fact, some of the deals I do these days are on investment properties

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Pros and Cons: Dealing with Institutional vs. Private Motivated Sellers in Real Estate

The world of real estate investing is full of “do this” or “don’t do that”, but do you ever wonder whether you should be doing deals with institutional versus private motivated sellers?

After all, it’s always good to have options!

People ask me all the time if I focus on deals that are primarily with private sellers or institutional sellers. And then, the inevitable next question—which is BETTER?

My answer: well…I actually do a mix.

I do a lot of HUD and bank foreclosure deals and of course they are institutional seller. Made an offer on one just this morning

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How Creative Real Estate Investing Can Land You Sweet Deals

Students are always sharing amazing and unique stories with me about how they use creative real estate investing strategies to help them close some incredible (and otherwise unlikely) deals.

There is one particular scenario that intrigued me recently…

I think you’ll find it just as interesting as I did and a great lesson about how thinking creatively in real estate investing can really work out in your favor!

The Back Story…

A student of mine had an investor friend (who also happened to be a property manager) who was trying to liquidate his properties – we’re talking 10 or so. One

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Two Bedroom Deals: To Pursue or Not Pursue and How Real Estate Comps Can Make All the Difference

I hear this question often, “Cam, I’m looking at a property but it’s a two bedroom home, should I avoid the deal or do it?” The reality is, there are scads of guidelines in the real estate investing world and a few hard and fast rules to follow, but one of your biggest guides will be what the real estate comps tell you.

When you come across a potential deal that goes against the known guidelines, and trust me you WILL, then it may be time to slow down, take a second look and perhaps reassess your options.

For instance,

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