The Keys To Success

Are you in search of success?  Do you want to take your life and your business to the next level?

I spent a lot of time putting together what I believe have been the keys to my and many of my students success. Each one has a special place in my heart because I’ve used them all extensively. They’re not out of some book I read or stuff I plucked from air.  Each one, when used diligently and consistently over time, and combined with hard work, will contribute to your overall success, like they have to mine.

There is nothing buy here. Nothing for sale. Just good, solid life changing strategies that come from the heart and from a burning desire to add value to your life.

After you’ve watched the video, please comment below. I’d like to get a conversation going and then see where it leads.

Thanks for watching. I hope you enjoyed and found some “nuggets” that ring with you.

Please leave a comment below and let’s see where the conversation takes us.



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68 thoughts on “The Keys To Success

You have presented a lot of great stuff here. I never have heard some of the ideas here presented in this manner. So helpful.

Many nuggets of wisdom. I wish all parents knew to give these guidelines to their children, which is the best time to learn these before bad habits influenced by the societal box entrap them into feeling overwhelmed with little direction to their inner greatness
Thank you Cam and Happy Thanksgiving to all
Irene Banihani

Hello Cameron
I really enjoyed your video .It reminded me a lot about my younger years in teaching and coaching .I used a lot of what you said and passed those ideas on to my students and players many who became successful in their own lives as i was .It’s interesting because i retired about a year ago and have been looking into Real estate for about a year now and realized by listening to you that i have not applied those ideas to myself recently and became somewhat stagnant in retirement . So i am going to take a good hard look at myself and get this thing going. Thank you so much

Thanks for your comment Mike. I’m glad you reconnected with the inspiration you shared with others and that you plan to tap into it again yourself. Go get ’em!!

Hi Cameron,
I watched your video and was inspired by it. Everything you talked about is true and what I am going through. I have worked for someone else all of my life since high school. That is the way we are taught. I have always been the bread and butter of my family, worked overtime to get the things needed. Worked hard to earn a living and stay head of the game, always in the rat race. Now that I’m older and getting ready to retire (1 year 2015), I have invested in Rich Dad Education this year and learned about foreclosures, wholesaling, tax & asset protection and property management. Yet I find myself with all this knowledge and not mastering none. It’s the shiny objects you talked about. I am open to learn from someone like you, because I have 3 daughters that live with me and I don’t want them to be caught up in the same rat race. My oldest owes more than $105K in student loans, while my youngest is in her 3rd year of college taking online courses while working part time and does not owe nothing.
I joined your group a couple of months ago in hopes of learning and doing some deals and getting out of the rat race.
I got my oldest daughter involved to help me, so she can learn and get involved how to do deals. We recently bought a rental property and is producing $300 positive cash flow. Unfortunately, that is where all of our capital is tied up. We do have some reserves. We are members of the Northern Illinois Real Estate Investors Assn. and have been networking with other investors We are bird dogs for the reia in hopes of building capital and learning to talk to owners.
I know God has opened the door for me by bringing you into our lives. I am willing to give it my all in doing deals with you. I hope that you may consider mentoring my daughter and I.


David Fresas

Thanks for the inspiration. The concepts you shared gave me some personal direction as well. I am really intent on the need to get clear about what you want to achieve and getting a big “why” out there so that you are purposeful while producing income. I feel like I am not yet clear enough about many of the things that I ultimately want to see happen. These exercises are helpful to me in getting there though. Thanks again.

Very timely information Cam. I can feel your honesty, sincerity and concern. Armed with your motivation, today is the beginning of the rest of my life from a business perspective.
Many thanks.

I was especially interested in your comments on procrastination which seems to be my toughest problem. I will make it my goal, starting today to get things done!

I will remember “when you work you work and when you play you play”

Thank you for this inspiring video.


The Keys to Success which you have shared with us for me is a message which I do believe is powerful and inspirational. I do believe that if only we could adapt and apply the info you have presented here we will all see the reward of succeeding, my biggest hurdle is to stop procrastinating. My mind set going forth is to apply what you have shared with us in order to reach the level of where I’d like to be.” I hate what I fear and fear what I don’t understand.” This message has me thinking otherwise.
Thanks Eurica

Thank you, Cam, for making the time to create the video message, which clearly came from your heart. Although you and I have yet to meet in person, having been introduced to not only you but your organization and your system (iFlip) was one of the best things that happened to me in 2013. Despite today’s very tough economic environment, I firmly believe that sustaining my financial freedom has been made much-more-readily achievable thanks to your system. Also thanks to Jim, my mentor from your group, I can almost taste success with our first deal to be closed shortly. I aspire to be one of the 1% capitalists. Wishing you and your loved ones Happy Holidays!

I found this to be one of the best and most direct, inspirational broadcasts I’ve seen in several years. Keep up the great work and I hope to get started as soon as I can.

Thanks for this video!

I truly want to thank you for the keys to success. I heard some before, and some were very new to me. There was some, that I have to correct in myself. That was one of the best, down to earth lessons I have ever seen in one place.
Thank you again.

Good Stuff, Cam!!! I appreciate your Input on being honest! Intrigity is Huge in a business!!! Also having a possitive attitute, Is huge in getting there! Hanging around nagitive people is very depressive! Thanks for having faith in me and all the help you have given me! Sara

Hello Cam,
As always your words of wisdom leaves me feeling confident knowing that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I’m not seeing this light as yet but it’s only a matter of time. My procrastination is rapidly fading away because at the end of the day I’ll just have to do whatever is necessary to make it happen.Thus, I look forward to more info of encouragement.
Thanks Eurica.

So, Cam, just curious. One kid since 1993? Are they really THAT expensive?

It was very encouraging. I took notes of your keys so I can go over them & make them a part of my life & thinking. I am 68 going on 69 & when it comes to computers and absorbing information it’s a struggle. But I am pushing toward the mark to be successful in this adventure of wealth. We have projects in our community we want to do. My daughter & I are doing this together. Between the two of us working together I am slowly getting it. Repetition of information until we get it ALL right. There is just so much information. It’s getting easier though as we do it. We are putting in lots of bids, but nothing yet. Came very close on one, HAHAHA!! We are looking forward to that 1st one. That PRAISE DAY TO GOD!!!! Thanks, CJ YOUNG & C Adams

The biggest problem with the shiny object syndrome is of course the fact, you never spend enough time or energy on the current one, so you never really experience any level of success before the next one comes along.
The other day I heard that young boys in China are given a choice of three paths to go down and once they choose which one that is, they are there for life. Don’t know if it is true (Haven’t googled it yet!!!) but that would certainly be a cure. Albeit a drastic one!

Thank you cam for the time and effort you put in to spreading your knowledge.
I am going to take your advice and speak my success into existence.
I also think at the end of the day it’s not what you can do for yourself what you can do for somebody else!
I will continue to study your materials and I know success is headed my way.

Enjoyed listening to your “Keys to Success”!
I’ve written them down to help me remember
as I progress with my new career. Thanks!!!

Thank you Cam, for giving the oppertunity to listen to your keys to success. They are like gems. Many of the keys you have shed light upon, I know to be true, only because I have personally experience them myself. I will thrive to retain them as long as I live and demonstrate them in my way of life, and business operations.

Cam thank you for not giving up until you achieved success! Thank you for blazing the trail for us to follow on. Most of all thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom. I have been fortunate enough to listen to others who already had the fruit on the tree in other fields of work. I feel that I now have found the leadership and mentorship I will need to take my new venture in RE to what ever level I choose. Your video was a breath of fresh air. I was reminded of the statement a former mentor of mine shared with me. One of the most difficult lessons in life is one you thought you had already learned. To know and not do is to not know. I feel the 25 keys you have given us for FREE can and will open all the doors we choose to open on our journey to success in life if we will simply incorporate them into our daily lives.

Thanks Cam I’m going to do my best and go full force in being successful in this business.
Mattie Lomax

Fantastic Cam, you are right on, an example of your advice is the # one entertainer in the world! sells out stadiums world wide in over 50 countrys, employs over 150, takes home 40 mil.2013,in your browser type :Taylor swift best live performance 2012 !!! ,and show Helen and your daughter, the greatest i have ever seen, and the best example of your advice, she is a perfectionist. sincerly, Arvid Ericson.

Hey Cam, Thanks for reaching out to me, I really enjoy this video and every word pertaining to how its important to get where you want to be if one would just focus and stop procrastinating. Thinking positive and ignoring negative comments from those none believers would certainly enable me to change my life an be on that path of obtaining the Keys to my success.It’s not an easy road to travel, but dedication and determination will surely get you there. Keep the videos coming, the more encouragement we receive from an honest Guru like you, the better off we’ll be successfully.
Thanks Eurica !

Spot on, Cam…..thank you for taking the time to remind us (or teach us) the fundamentals of an abundant life. These nuggets of wisdom apply to every aspect of our lives, not just financial.

Very enriching and added value. I have seen other presentations and all are very similar, but offer tidbits and nuggets not covered by others, but I try to watch all that I can so that I can become better than I am.


Simplified but great words of wisdom Cam. The beauty is that you have made it comprehensive.

I had to listen to it a second time. Very well presented advice on success. You can be sure, I will follow your blog.

Thanks Cam,
I know a lot of these things but need to deal with my weaknesses . For one thing, I need to turn off Facebook while I work. I have never been a procrastinator when it comes to my old business of 35 years but feel uncomfortable with this “new” business. I need to fix that by just doing.

Hello Cam-
I enjoyed the entire presentation for a number of reasons but first of all it was only 30 minutes. 30 minutes is a perfect amount of time for these as they hold my attention but yet they do not drag out! One thing that I knew about but you just reinforced is this. “Work when you’re working, and play when you’re playing”!
Perfect, thank you.

Brian T, Pepperell, MA

Hey, Cam…

I listened to your video/audio on Success. Interestingly, I produced a similar presentation with a few
variations, but very similar. And the reasons for the similarities are because the Rules, per se, don’t change, they are everlasting, time proven. Nevertheless, I enjoyed your presentation. You have a very nice speaking voice, well paced and easy to listen to. It’s no wonder you do as well as you do. I’m not in the Real Estate market right now, but when I decide to create additional incomes stream in your niche, I certainly will reach out to you. In the meantime, take care and be well. I wish you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving holiday.

All the best,

Christian, Yaphank, New York

Christian, Yaphank, New York

Thanks for the success keys. The tyrants of jelousy- joy stealers are trying to take bull dog bite & rip tear apart and don’t understand how they even know. And the lower down injury system has doors of a different kind open that I’m trying to get shut. Moving forward and needed to hear the push winds because they are trying to keep me down and I need set free from this Lord & amen. Thanks for sharing and helps to know on right path & this is what will go through.

Cam your words of wisdom is very good you inspire everyone keep up your great work,i love your proof of funds letter thanks tom.

Hi Cam my name is Marco Barillas, my Why is to get some changes in my life and the other like my son and my daughter this are my big Why, but I feeling this are to hard and are impossible for my to understand this program. Please I need help. You can do to my help



Thank You Cam for your insight 0n thinking about life and real estate. I don’t know of any one else who can say it any better than you. I have been around you awhile now and you are just as sincere now as you were in the beginning.

You are right on the money,very informative,for me this is timed perfect!!!!!!!!!

Hello Dunlap,

Wonderful job and excellent material you shared. Your authenticity and transparency shines through. I have followed you and Mr. LeGrand for a long time and have never taken action. 2016 is going to be the year because of what have said in this blog. Thank very much, and may the Almighty continue to bless you and your family. Thanks for all you do.

Cameron I have listened to this talk twice in the past two months since I have started your program, and I will plan to listen to it once a month because life is so darn distracting and discouraging. I will highlight the focus points I need to work on the most for the coming month and put them in my planner goals. Your points make too much sense. You are a very encouraging mentor! Thanks for giving back so much.

Well you sure are paying attention. I’m impressed!

You’re referring to the 5 “STEPS” to success that I talk about in the Vacant House & Foreclosure University and at my Vacant House & Foreclosure Summit. They are actually quite different.

This presentation, “The Keys To Success” is meant to apply to everyday life and goes pretty darned deep, where the “5 Steps To Success” are specific principals that we all must apply to our business.

Thanks for paying attention and asking the clarifying question.

Cam, you did a wonderful job breaking down The Keys to Success. I will apply The Keys to Success to my life and share with my family, those who want to change their life. Each key is Gold thanks for sharing Cam this is a life changer. Your system is the best and I purchased it even thought my funds are tight. I’ve been following you sense early 2016 and I’ve spent way more than your system and have completed a deal. Thanks for your Heart.

Hello Cam
Thank you for this video. I needed something like that to help me focus. Your advices are the fruits of your experience, your struggles, your unshakable determination to keep pushing through . Thank you for being so honest and blunt. you tell it like it is. I recognize myself in that love of shining objects. I bought so many programs. Until now, I have not made one deal. Isn’t that pitiful.? I am choosing your program. I will follow it step by step. I am convinced that this time, with your help I will finally experience that great feeling of landing a deal. Thanks for your honesty and altruism. God bless you and your family

Hi Cam,
Good stuff, the part that I zero in on was time bandit, for some reason am struggling
in that with work and family, it seams like am always busy, but am fixing that presently.

Very intuitive! I’ve thought about everything you touched on,just not in the way you presented it. Thank you Cameron.

Hey Cameron,
Thanks for the video. I have no problem with delegating the work,but I have trouble with finding quality workers at the prices I can fit in the budget. I do need to work on my procrastination,and my fear of failure, And the negative people that are around me.

Thanks, Cam! I’m looking forward to getting help with this all and the areas that are needing to be tweaked. There are so many issues I relate to about like minded people association. For that reason alone, I have no naysayers knowing what I am doing right now. I don’t want any barriers until I am well on my way to big success. I was willing to pay for it, now I am so focussed on what you have shared along with the tools. SO exited.

I’m excited for you Cathy! You’re headed in a great direction!


This is great information, especially for newbies, who need direction in their lives in getting things started in the right direction. I especially like the parts about surrounding yourself with other successful people, and avoiding the negative “nay-sayers” along with time bandits. It’s hard to side step such people and keep focused on our goals. Your message was inspirational and timely.

Cam, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. One of the things I am grateful for this year is to have the opportunity to work with you. I love your passion and willingness to share what you know.
I shared what you said with my 16 year old twin boys and one of them said…”I guess the harder you work the luckier you get”. I liked that.

Cam, I always learn a new little tidbit from you. I like that you use the word “How” instead of why. Most people will say, why can’t I be like that guy. But, if that person would ask himself, How can I, now he has begun to take ownership of his future and business. I purchased the Trifecta program and was once an all in student (Iflip, mentor etc) until I got sick. (Recently had a liver transplant). Thank you for sharing your insights and motivating me to continue moving forward in the Real Estate business. The “San Diego Shotgun guy.”

Thank you for this video. Someone said it is especially good for newbies, but also especially for anyone. Let me explain. I have been in the business for some time. I have had success and I have had failures. Most of what you presented I have heard before, But It Is So Easy To Forget and get off track.
Cam, I believe you are not like most of the Real Estate Entrepreneurs out there today. I have your products and I know you care about other people being successful.
I want to thank you for being who you are!

Hi Cam…
Your every word has resonated deep within my spirit. The “time” factor with all of us is so unavoidable which makes the personal and professional wisdom you share that much more motivating and inspiring. My own story has brought me to this moment in time, and because of your message(s) in this video I am renewed in my thinking as well as my approach to this RE business and in life…THANK YOU.
Let’s Roll:):)

Hi Cam,
Thank you for the video and all the great nuggets! My mom always said learn something new everyday and share it. I never heard of Deming’s 14 points of Total Quality Management and spent time going over them.
I enjoyed the video very much!
Thank you,


Those are very profound words to live by. The presentation brought about a sincere reflection on my part and makes the listener learn and identify more about themselves.

A lot of your points, which seem obvious are many times overlooked and taken for granted. I believe that there needs to be a sense of “readiness” that individuals realize and embrace for “true” learning to begin.

Thanks for sharing!


thank you for providing some much needed inspiration and insight to everyone who listen to your presentation. Learning is something that’s often taken for granted, people who listen and learn gains the much needed confidence it takes to succeed in life no matter the career they choose. I appreciate you taking the time to share this information.


Thanks Cam! A little over a year ago, I began my journey by investing in a very successful system of real estate that was costly in both time and money. Studying hard and passing exams created status but lacked productivity.
Along the way I discovered the Real Estate Wealth Network and realized that with all of the various avenues of profitability in real estate, wholesaling is the foundation, the quickest and easiest way to generate revenue.
I’ll always have that valuable education and will continue to learn but; it’s time to focus and implement those secrets to success and move forward.
Again thanks for reeling me back in from that shiny object syndrome and putting things in prospective.

Thanks for your comment Charles. I’m glad you’re on track and I look forward to hearing about your success!


It’s no mistake that you have had a success career….You’ve “Earned” it! Keep up the fabulous content!

I was very impressed and agree with everything you said except the part about luck because I don’t believe in luck…I believe in BLESSINGS…overall it was very enlightening and I’m thankful for the nuggets I just received and will be implementing them in my life in the future…God Bless you Cam!

Thanks Cam for the reminder. Especially on LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS. This is a perfect message to those who are depending on their salary (net pay) to run this business. It is possible, yes it is. But only and only if you walk with that statement in your mind LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS. HOW?! Learn how to plan within your budget, learn ways of spending little for more, learn to value a little cent your spend, everyone is potential believe in yourself utilize your potentials etc etc. I started real estate from my little net salary pays, opened LLC from my net salary, launched and run it’s website etc etc a cent that makes 100 dollar is healthier than unclean cash that makes a thousand dollar. Thanks Cam.

This is a very on point, extensive list of keys. I took a whole page of notes and I could easily understand every point and what I could work on and what I’m already doing to know I’m still in the game (process) even though it’s slow and constantly changing. Thanks, Cam!

Camron, you are a gentleman and a scholar, it good to know that there are people out there that really care about your success!

I just wanted to say, thank you for that Proverbial Push, you have been sending me in my emails with encouraging bites of words.

By the way I looked at The Keys to Success Video, I didn’t realize it until later that I had seen the video before, so I thought what the hack I’ll watch it again, I may have missed something!

Thanks Cam, you are a blessing!

Cam, thanks for the video. I know your time is valuable I need you to know that your time was not wasted sending the keys to me. I needed to be reminded of the things most of us already know but seldom put into use or focus on. Everything you talk about really is the foundation for a successful life and business. If I had a mentor like you years ago my life would be so completely different. Thanks for sharing your proven methods and personal thoughts and insights. It means alot coming from someone who practices what they preach and your tract record proves you know what your talking about. Thank you sir I will implement these steps into my life. I know you didn’t have to make this video but you did. Thanks.

I had always been skeptical about pretty much everything, always looking for red flags in what I see or what you call ‘the catch’. But when I came across your video about your business it was different. you sound so sincere and honest that compels me to keep listening. its I kept watching and listening to you I became more convince that you actually mean what you said. You are so humble and down the earth that I had to google you to find out if you really have the kind of money that you said you have to help. You’re such a genuine human being its hard to put into words. And I haven’t had no problem in trusting you and getting what I need from you to succeed, because of you I can actually see a possible better future for me, after so many NO’S thru out my life, I think the YES that I been dreaming about for so long is coming to me, thanks to Mr. Cameron Dunlap!!! Thank you so much for using the means you use to reach out to so many people, and giving the opportunity to anybody that wants to give it a try no matter their circumstances. I’ll forever be grateful.

Cleotilde, thank you for your kind words. They mean a lot to me.


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