How To Sell A Wholesale Real Estate Deal FAST

Learn my 15 step process for selling wholesale real estate FAST! Discover secrets to finding cash buyers, negotiating good deals & what contract to use for quick cash!

You are so close!

If you are reading this, there is a good probability that you have a property under contract and now you need to know how to sell a house fast.


You are in the process of investing in real estate and you can just about taste a deal coming.

Either way, you are in the right place to

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8 Simple Rules for Making Offers on Houses That Are “Bank-Owned”

Bank deals are different than private seller deals.

Banks scrutinize your offer much more closely… but there is good news!


Banks (specifically “REO” departments) do a lot of deals. They are in the trenches every day and get “blown off” all the time.

Because of this they are systematic in their approach…

Their “BS meters” are finely tuned…

You are not going to get away with anything.

You MUST do a double closing because they forbid contract assignments, whereas in a

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7 Step Guide to Making an Offer On a House

In this article I’m going to look at making offers on houses that are owned by private sellers – as opposed to bank sellers.

One of the biggest issues investors have when doing deals is with the process of making an offer on a house.

They are taught to add contingencies or “weasel clauses” when they make an offer, like “subject to partner’s approval”.

However, I have a strong difference of opinion…

You see… if you put yourself in the seller’s shoes, you can easily understand why contingencies in a contract don’t make sense.

Let’s think about it…

If you

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Property Value Estimate Guide: 4 Key Factors So You Never Overpay

(The Simple Way to Appraise Houses Quickly)

There’s incredible power in simplifying…

Doing your own property value estimate will save you time and money.

It seems daunting to estimate the value of hundreds of properties, so most investors stop right there.

And in order to be a pro wholesaler… you have to master this. If you are 1% off… that’s $1,000 on a $100,000 house. If you are 10% off… that $10,000.

Not only will you make less mistakes, you will save time…

When I got started I made the same mistakes that most novice investors make and

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