Small Town vs Big City: What’s The Right Real Estate Investor Marketing Strategy for Your Area?

Real estate investor marketing in small towns is SO underrated…

Small town investors come to me often…and they are FILLED with questions about how to market in these areas.

“Cam, will real estate investing work in my rural area?”

I gotta say, it’s a fair question.

The vast majority of marketing strategies we tend to see are aimed toward the “big city” metropolitan centers. However, I’m about to share with you some MAJOR ADVANTAGES of working in small towns that just might be your key to success in these areas. Let’s dig into those advantages…


If you yourself are

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Deal Maker Interviews – The Inside Scoop On How 2 Clients Recently Used Our Transactional Funding For Wholesale Deals And Brought In $22,742 In Profits.

Many people think that this time of year business slows down and “no one is doing deals”, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

We’ve been doing transactional funding for wholesale deals, all month long for clients and I’ve had the chance to jump on a deal maker call with 2 of the clients we’ve recently funded for so I could get the inside scoop on…

— What’s working for them in their markets right now?

— What tools and resources they’re using to find their deals

— How they were able to navigate through the unexpected hurdles that

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Deal Maker Interview – From “Shiny Object Syndrome” to $23,719.37 in 60 days!

Every once in a while I get the opportunity to jump on the phone and talk with successful clients where I can really dig into specifics of what they’re doing and how they’re using our services to create more wealth and do more deals.

The most recent Deal Maker Interview was with Barzel McKinney and it was fantastic!

Barzel is a client of ours who was a self-admitted shiny object seeker that used a few of our tools to focus on what’s important and get things done, which resulted in 3 deals over the past 60 days in the amount

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The Power of “NO” – by Cameron Dunlap

“No” is one of the shortest yet most powerful words in our vocabulary. It’s one of the first words we hear as an infant when our parents try to keep us from harm and we continue to hear it every day ’til the day we die.

Somewhere along the way “no” got a bad rep. We’ve come to think that “no” is exclusionary, rather than inclusive. “No” seems to shut down interaction with others. “Can I have a puppy? “No.” “Do you want to go out Saturday night? “No.” “Boss, can I have a raise? No!” “No” means “no” and

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