How Much More Is a 3rd Bedroom Worth?

Cam Dunlap here, with an interesting question that was asked during a recent coaching call. I’m paraphrasing for clarity:

You found a property that could be a good deal: 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 1-car garage. The best nearby comps: similar square footage & amenities, but they’re both 2-bedroom houses. What percentage more is this 3-bedroom house worth?

Obviously the property is worth more because it has that 3rd bedroom. 

But how much more? 

Well, it depends. 

Sorry, not the awesomest answer, I know.

See, it depends on where the house is… and that’s such a broad variable that there isn’t even a

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Finding Private Money Lenders Today

Hey there! A great question came into my Deal Maker hotline that I want to share in this here article.

“What are some of the better ways to find private money lenders?”

First, money lenders are all around you. 


There is a little bit of competition that we haven’t had for a long time — I’m talking for about 2 decades, with interest rates at or hovering around zero for as long as they did. There was no good way to get any yield without exposing oneself to greater risk than, say, a money market account or short-term Treasuries. 

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Can “Short Title” Problems Kill Your Deal?

I got a question into my hotline recently, and I’d like to share the details with you, here in my blog.

The caller asked:

“What’s your advice on the easiest way to get a property under contract? I have a ‘ready’ buyer who’s pre-approved but has been having trouble getting a property under contract.”

Ok, let’s iron out a few details first…

First, I’m assuming the “ready” buyer who’s pre-approved is a retail buyer.


Because the client used the term pre-approved, which means the buyer is engaged with a lender — presumably, a conventional lender, and they’re looking to

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The “Rule of Seven” & How To Use It To Maximize Your Real Estate Investor Marketing

Struggling with lackluster results?

Are your marketing campaigns under performing?

Then…you’re going to love today’s training video. Josh Brown our Chief Marketing Officer is going to break down the “Rule of Seven” and how you can apply it to any area of your business and start seeing better results.

Enjoy and let us know below how you plan to implement the “Rule of

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