Strategies For Your REI Marketing Budget That Won’t Break The Bank

Looking for REI marketing strategies that will bring in business without breaking the bank?

You’ve come to the right place!

The key here is to use both reactive and proactive marketing

Think of reactive marketing as your defense like football. Reactive marketing means that motivated sellers find and contact you (not your competitor) when they want to sell a property. The best way to make that happen is to have a strong website so that you come up on Google searches.

Proactive marketing is your offense. Proactive marketing means you’re pursuing motivated sellers who aren’t

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Is a Lack of Consistent Branding KILLING Your Real Estate Investing Business?

If you’re not getting the results you’ve been looking for with your Real Estate business, consistent branding is a great place to look to make an immediate improvement with your marketing efforts. Branding is a marketing strategy that involves differentiating your business in order to establish a presence in the consumer’s mind so that you can attract and keep customers. Consistent branding is VERY important and will give you a major advantage over your competition, especially in a competitive market like Real Estate. In fact, the more competitive the market, the more important it is that you do everything you

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