Tools & Forms

  1. “The Offer Generator” – This online tool helps you evaluate your deals. It automatically calculates the math and creates an offer for you. Available to Inner Circle Members only.
  2. Here’s a great property info sheet/script for use when talking to a seller submitted by Al Macionski. It’s in Word format, so you have to download.
  3. Max Winningham’s Van 1 – Max Winningham’s Van 2 – Max Winningham’s Van 3
  4. George Miller’s Van
  5. Very cool use of words on a truck tailgate
  6. This is the display ad we run in the Shopper every week. It costs +/- $25 per week and it’s mailed to all the addresses in my county. This gets us better readership than those are more typically dropped on the driveway.
  7. This is a small display ad I ran in the Penny Saver, that sold the house in 2 days making me a $50,000 profit. It was vacant house that I sold wholesale with a simultaneous closing. I only needed earnest money to do the deal.
  8. Here’s a Post Card we are sending to sellers. Post Card Front / Post Card Back
  9.’s the paperwork we did on a lease option deal including a lengthy addendum
    Purchase & Sale Page 1Page 2
    Lease Agreement Page 1Page 2
    Addendum Page 1Page 2