The REI Trifecta program is the most complete real estate program available today. Students learn how without leaving their desk they can filter through the junk and find an abundance of golden opportunities their competition can't touch, plus they'll learn how to...
Get access to 20 different types of motivated sellers within their market...
Identify the “super buyers” in any market (get their contact info & phone numbers) and even do advanced research to see what they've already bought and where so they can deliver deals to them on a silver platter...
Get $1,000,000 for their deals (without bank qualifying or credit)...
The REI Trifecta program gives clients access to everything they need:
With our industry leading, dedicated, IN-HOUSE and experienced client support team, we're able to proudly own one of, if not the, lowest return rates in the business.
If you've met Cam personally, then you know that keeping the customer as the #1 focus is his highest priority.
All the marketing materials you'll need to set up and run a webinar with us can be found in the download area to the right. Please feel free to use these as-is, if you like, but we HIGHLY recommend that you customize them for your list. You know best what your list will respond to, so go for it.
If you have any questions feel free to contact Josh Brown, our Chief Marketing Officer, via and he can help you get what you need.
We're very excited to have the opportunity to work with you and your group, and we look forward to making this a win-win for everyone involved.