27 year real estate veteran and self-made investor warns of... “AMERICA'S VACANT HOME CRISIS”

Discover How To Cash In On The New Real Estate Gold Rush
And Flip Unwanted Vacant Houses Into Big, Fast Paydays!

Vacant House Gold Book

Turn Unwanted, Abandoned Homes Into $15K Paydays

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100% Of Book Proceeds Benefit:

McDonald House Charities

The Ronald McDonald House Charities is an organization that provides support to families with children undergoing medical treatments. They have personally touched our REWN family on many occasions. We're proud and honored to donate 100% of the book proceeds to the Ronald McDonald House so they can provide housing, food, and financial assistance to families during times of need.

Over the next few minutes I’m going to tell you about the new Real Estate Gold Rush...

Turning unwanted, neglected, vacant houses into massive paydays… without using any of your own money, going to the bank for a loan, fixing them up, or having to pay an agent commission to sell them.

Thus allowing you to start building wealth with real estate even if you don’t have any experience…or capital to invest. Now, you might be thinking this is “too good to be true”…

I’d understand if you’re thinking this is just another one of those “get rich quick” videos…

But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

The fact is, the opportunity created by the current market and economic conditions is ripe for the taking and your ability to get into real estate has never been better!

With over 1.6 million vacant houses in the US, or 1 out of every 88 houses, we’re in the middle of an unprecedented, house vacancy crisis.

This New Gold Rush Won’t Be Here Forever.

I plan on doubling down over the next 12-18 months and doing everything I can to take advantage of these opportunities and create generational wealth for my family.

You’re here likely because you want to do the same thing too.

This massive opportunity is creating a whole new category of “Vacant House Gold Miners” so you can create wealth without ever…

Owning a single property…

Doing any repairs…

Dealing with tenants…

Qualifying for a loan…

Or having a real estate license.

So forget everything you thought you knew about making it big with real estate. This is about to blow your mind because it’s how hundreds of ordinary folks are quickly doing their first deals with no experience, no money down, and very little downside.

This Allows People Of All Experience Levels To Pocket Profits Of $8,460… $15,157… And Even $21,311 Or More...

Inside you'll find everything you need to start doing deals and take advantage of the real estate gold rush while there’s still time.

The book is written in a step-by-step format so you’ll learn the exact process anyone can use to profit from this brand new exciting opportunity…

…and pocket an average of over $15,082 per deal.

Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll find inside:

  • Learn how to identify the most profitable and easiest-to-find vacant houses in any neighborhood, allowing you to secure your very first deal fast. This step-by-step guide starts on page 24.The quickest path between 'start' and your first massive profit check. (page 89)
  • How to delegate simple, manual tasks to other people so you’re not burdened with them yourself, making the business as passive as possible… bringing in money month after month without having to put in more hours. You’ll find this on page 30.
  • The 8 telltale signs that a vacant house is ready to be “mined” and flipped, including the “electric meter” trick most people have never even heard of. This is all revealed on page 32.
  • How to look at any house in any condition and be able to determine how much it’s really worth in the market, so you know exactly how much profit you can make for yourself before you even talk to the owner. Page 40.
  • The 3 vacant house categories. Which one is the most profitable, which one is the easiest to sell, and which one you should never ever touch. Page 41.
  • What are “war zones”, how to identify them, and why you should avoid them at all costs if you want to avoid disaster and sleep well at night. It’s on page 44.
  • The “Condition Multiplier” method that allows you to evaluate properties on the spot, allowing you to make offers faster and maximize your profits (this alone can add thousands to your bottom line). Page 108.
  • The 7 steps you need to take before you make an offer to a property owner. Page 126.
  • Why you should never invest your own money in real estate and how to have other people invest their money while you collect the profits. This is a lot easier than you think when you try it THIS way. Page 131.
  • How to hold your ground when negotiating with a seller. (particularly if the seller is a bank) page 17
  • How to identify a particular type of buyer that will typically offer you more than anyone else and how to get your deal in front of them first. Page 47
  • The follow-up offer method that can generate a $500,000 income within your first year in the business. Page 83
  • And more!
Vacant House Gold Book

Turn Unwanted, Abandoned Homes Into $15K Paydays

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Here's Just A Few Clients Who Are Using This Strategy To Close Deals...

Successful Deal $21,311 Profit Successful Deal $15,157 Profit Successful Deal $13,088 Profit Successful Deal $18,685 Profit Successful Deal $16,814 Profit Successful Deal $8,460 Profit

Claim Your Book Today & Get These Bonuses

Bonus #1: 1 Free Ticket To The Virtual Wholesaling Academy - LIVE

Cam with Computer

You'll spend 3 full days learning Cam's deal making secrets all from the comfort of your own home. This is a live event where you can ask questions and get the clarity you need to get your first (or next) deal under your belt.

You can use what you'll learn to flip homes near you, or thousand of miles from your home. ($500+ FREE)

Bonus #2: Your Secret Blueprint For Success

This is the step-by-step process we follow for finding and profiting with vacant houses in markets all over the country - in a visual, flow chart and is SO useful in this format.

It’s how we can go to any market, in any economic condition, and start doing deals in no time flat; step-by-step!

You'll never wonder what to do next, and it lays out visually the exact roadmap to your first profit check. I suggest you print it and carry it with you. ($97+ FREE)

Blueprint Blurred

There Really Is No 'Catch'...

Now I want to make it clear. There really is no catch.

And if you're wondering why I'd do this...

There are a few reasons.

  • 1. Unlike many 'gurus' I don't make all of my money teaching others how to make money (I actually run real businesses investing in and managing property, selling software, and funding real estate deals)... so it doesn't hurt me to share my best information with you.
  • 2. When you see how complete this book is and how exciting the world of vacant house investing is…I have a hunch that you may have an interest in some of our other great products, software and services.
  • 3. Most Importantly, this book is my way of saying thank you to the mentors who’ve impacted my life and then to the thousands of students who I’ve crossed paths with and impacted myself. Real Estate has given me the chance to create the life of my dreams. This book is my way of paying it forward.
  • My ultimate hope is that you will follow this powerful blueprint and it will set you on your path to success.
Vacant House Gold Book Bundle

EVERYTHING You'll Get When You Grab Your

- Vacant House Gold Book ($24.97 Value)

- 3 Day Real Estate Wealth Summit ($500 Value)

- Success Blueprint ($97 Value)

Total : 621.97

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TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read)?

In case you're one of those people (like me) who's short on time and skips to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'd like to e-mail you my brand new book "Vacant House Gold". It's your roadmap to putting a check in your pocket by taking advantage of the massive vacant house opportunity we have right now! All you pay is $9.97 (which I will be donating to the Ronald McDonald House) and I'll send it over right away.

So, click the blue button above to get your copy now. You won't regret it.

Cam Dunlap Signature

Cam Dunlap