URGENT: This Special "ALL HANDS" Training Is The Blueprint For Virtual Wholesaling During Uncertain Times...
Discover How To Tap Into A New Wave Of Opportunity Rapidly Unfolding For Those "In The Know" And Create A Virtual Wholesaling Machine That Will Allow You To Dominate Your Competition—All In The Next 30 Days Or Less!
Join Me For This FREE 3-Day Workshop To See How Students Are Earning $17,392 Per Deal Using Our Proven System And Funding.
(over $14,832,726 in profits and counting and we
have the closing statements to prove it!)

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Virtual Wholesaling Academy
Winning the Game Of Money By Creating Your Own Economy!

WHAT Is The Virtual Wholesaling Academy

It's a three-day online training and master the art of virtual wholesaling. Our step-by-step program covers everything from finding and evaluating deals to connecting with buyers, all using our specialized software. Plus, learn how to access up to $1,000,000 for your deals!

This comprehensive master class includes deal evaluation, negotiation, marketing, and securing funding. Perfect for beginners and those looking to elevate their wholesaling business, this training is designed to help you make steady, low-risk profits.

Cameron Dunlap - Online Training
Real Estate Wealth Summit - Event Date

WHEN Is The Virtual Wholesaling Academy

This three-day LIVE training is happening on October 29th thru 31st, 2024 from about 12pm to 6pm ET. It's not like any Zoom meeting you've been to before.

It's live & interactive, which means we can explore topics in detail. We've got tools and handouts to give you, plus we're also giving away hundreds of dollars in prizes throughout the event too!

WHY Now?

Our economy is in a very interesting place. Continuous rate hikes from the FED, persistent inflation, and high interest rates have put many banks and lending institutions in danger of failing.

The reality is, our economy is about to get even more interesting. With the Fed ruling out rate cuts for the foreseeable future, rising oil prices, and a polarizing presidential election on the horizon, a recession seems more imminent than ever.

This might sound bad, but it’s actually good for real estate investors like us because more people will need to sell their houses quickly. I'll show you how to capitalize on this volatile economy using unlimited access to recession-proof, inflation-proof, and interest rate-proof funding for your deals. We might be looking at one of the best times ever to be involved in real estate.

We have the documentation to prove it, in the form of HUD statements. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity.

You'll Give Me $1,000,000...Really?

Imagine having access to $1,000,000 to fund as many deals as you desire, all without having to pay any fees or interest. And there's no need to worry about qualifying or credit checks either– it's that easy!

Our company has already funded over $91,166,873 in deals for our members.

I know it sounds "too good to be true" but I assure you it is not. I'll explain exactly how it works and how you can start using these funds to do deals immediately during this training.

Meet Your Host - Cam Dunlap

Cam is a seasoned real estate investor with over 30 years of experience in the industry. He has not only made a fortune as a full-time investor, but has also excelled as a virtual investor in various markets for years.

During this training, Cam will share his extensive knowledge and expertise with you. He will guide you step-by-step towards your first or next real estate profit check. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from a highly successful investor and take your own real estate journey to new the next level.

Cam Dunlap
Special "Seat Deposit Only" Pricing Is Currently Avaliable

I've been told by my peers and past attendees that I should be charging $997 or more for this training, but today you can reserve your spot for a small seat deposit of only $49. Don't worry though...as long as you show up I'll completely refund your seat deposit, effectively making this thousand dollar training...FREE!


Come Refreshed, Caffeinated And Ready To Learn

We've Got A Lot To Cover. Here Are Just A Few Topics We'll Walk Through Together...

How To Use Artificial Intelligence (AI) To Do Most Of The Work For You.

Artificial Intelligence is quickly becoming a real estate investors best friend. It will do the jobs you don't want to and follow up with prospects when you don't have time.

In this training session, we'll unveil strategies for quickly pinpointing ultra-motivated sellers. Learn how to harness AI to craft emails, postcards, and even engage in conversations with sellers on your behalf.

By the end you will have all the knowledge and resources you need to get started and start seeing REAL results fast.
Investor Thoughts

3 Ways To Make Money With Any Wholesale Lead

As a virtual wholesaler you'll be able to cherry pick deals. In this session, we will explore strategies for making a profit from properties that might not initially seem perfect for a wholesale deal.

You'll learn how to identify and implement alternative opportunities for making the most out of every lead.

This approach ensures that you can still earn from properties even when they don't fit into a traditional wholesale box, broadening your business scope and enhancing your investment portfolio.

Live Seller Calling Session

Cold calling seems scary...but not the way we do it. Watch as we dial sellers and make money in real-time.

In this session you will see and hear LIVE conversations and learn from our experts as they show you how to talk effectively with sellers. This hands-on experience will help you feel more confident in your own seller discussions. Your anxiety about picking up the phone and talking with prospects will melt away after this.

Cold Calling
Automate Your Business

Automate Your Business With Low-Cost, Virtual Assistants

Many entrepreneurs suffer from the "I'll just do it myself" or "I'm the only one that does it right" syndrome, which massively hampers your ability to earn and get things done.

A virtual assistant can handle things like scheduling, talking to clients, and managing your workflow, which frees up your time to focus on the bigger parts of your business. This way, you can make your business run smoother and faster without spending a lot of money.

Find The BEST Sellers & Hungry Buyers In Every Market...

We'll show you how to use our proprietary software to effortlessly find ultra motivated sellers in any market. This tool will allow you to fire off marketing, find and contact sellers WITH motivation, and reach out and connect with them....before your competition!

We'll also dig deep into finding hungry investor buyers in every market. The ones currently buying deals where you're doing business! Which means you'll never struggle to sell a deal again.

Hungry Buyers

Over 500 FIVE Star Reviews Can't Be Wrong...

5-Star Reviews
5-Star Reviews

Frequently Asked Questions...

Is the content of this training brand new?
Absolutely. This is a brand new event and unlike anything I've ever done before. The focus of the event is 100% designed to get you comfortable doing deals as a virtual wholesaler.
Will Cam actually be the one teaching?
YES. You're going to be spending 3 full days with me! I will have some members of my team helping out as well, but there are no outside speakers at all!
Will you be going through the software tools?
YES. We plan to do multiple LIVE software demo's and walkthroughs during the training.
Can Anyone Attend This Event?
YES. This training is appropriate for all levels of investors. If you have the desire to do more virtual wholesaling, then you're in the right place!
Can I Get A Refund If I Can't Attend?
Seat deposit refunds may be given up to 14 days prior to the event start date as we have limited space for this training. However, within 14 days we can transfer your seat deposit to a future event.
Any Other Questions?